Thursday, September 15, 2011

nice lines from the blogs . . .

J-Momma, reading Tweak:
I tried to get out of my life and into Nic's life cause he's got it a lot harder than me but he put himself there and I didn't do anything to deserve any of this.
Estella Havisham, while reading The Social Network, uses her research skills to compare the people behind the Facebook story to the actors who play them in the movie. Also from her blog, Keep it Classy, she notices this after seeing peoples' reactions when they see her carrying her copy of The Help and tell her how much they like it:
The bottom line is that The Help is like a forest fire in the literary jungle. Praise for The Help spreads by word of mouth.
Mdogo, on spending time with her grandmother as she was dying of ovarian cancer:
Her last month with my family and I was incredible. She was able to see my cousin Meredith graduate from South Side High School in June, we watched “The King’s Speech” together, strolled around the block at night, and picked blueberries.
Mockingjay, responding to a description of a California freeway in A Single Man:
I liked imaging a river, like a white water rapids kind of river, looking at it and knowing if I would step one foot in it I would tumbled over by the rush of water. Also thinking of the little water molecules as the cars, they know that this is an every minute occurrence nothing out of the ordinary, nothing dangerous or scary about it.
When Autumn Came, discussing the drug memoir Night of the Gun:
It is interesting in the way the book was written because it was comprised of 60 interviews of people who were once close to David, which in turn allows the reader to have various perspectives of the author. At times, I see David as an intelligent American living the dream and at other times a savage drunk. He almost reminds me of Lindsey Lohan or something... =)
Zengerine, discussing a sentence of the week about anxiety that she read in Tina Fey's book Bossypants:
The last quote is possibly my favorite because I know that exact feeling. I get it whenever I check my grades on Powerschool, whenever I take a big test, and whenever I have to make a really difficult jump on a really excellent videogame.

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