Friday, September 16, 2011

from the blogs, period 3 . . .

Lots of fun stuff out there recently:

Becca interviews herself about the memoir she's reading (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius), when its author includes a fake interview of himself as a young kid.

My Everyday Sticky Waffle, on first encountering a sentence of the week:
Not only is the sentence funny, and absolutely relatable to my life, but, once I came across it during my silent AP lit english class, I laughed out loud, like one of those weird kids totally embarrassing myself.
From The Written Word: "I really think it is adorable that my parents still go out on dates." Plus, inspiration from reading On the Road.

Eddie blogs from their phone:
I wonder how many words I have typed? I'm typing this from my phone so the screen is really small and I can't figure out how to do word count or scroll up.
Kim Possible, on her new job at Coventry 13:
The only thing I had a problem with was the 10 year old, 3 hour long orientation video. I sat in a room that was like a janitors closet watching a tiny television set. It was basically the most odd thing I've ever had to do.
Rivers uncovers Chuck Palahniuk's odd challenge to himself when writing Fight Club:
to make it more disturbing than the book he published before Fight Club.

Hermione Granger, on taking a personality test:
Today, I took the Jung Typology Test, created by a Muggle psychologist to determine the personality of the individual. Personally, I find his rational, systematic approach rather more reliable than the brand of hocus-pocus labeled "Divination." Prof. Trelawney can attest that I saw right through her crackpot tricks.

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