Friday, November 4, 2011

Nick Flynn, "Cartoon Physics, part 1"

Today: a currently post, a response if you have anything to say about your reading recently, and
submit your week #3 goal to my class homework folder. Make sure your filename reads "lastnameLIST" and that the file includes just your theme, a list of five poems + authors, and claims for two of those poems.

After you complete those steps, begin work on the partial editor's note draft that is due next Wednesday. Look at the annotated sample editor's note on the class notes page for ideas and an explanation of the intro paragraph.

And think about showing me some of your work. Between now and Thanksgiving, I need you to bring me at least one paragraph of your draft editor's note during class so that we can discuss ways to make it stronger. These conferences are worth a grade, so you're basically getting points just for asking for help.

So, work well today, and have a nice weekend.

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